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We are facing the challenge of operating a sensorised shipyard, with the aim of implementing predictive maintenance in main facilities such as ASTANDER cranes. The collection of raw data, together with its processing, is the task that must be addressed by our platform.

Our partner ASTANDER will benefit from cost reduction while maintaining customer satisfaction, reducing downtime, and increasing quality. 

Broadly speaking, predictive maintenance consists of the analysis of existing data that, using Artificial Intelligence techniques, allows us to know which parts of the observed system are likely to need maintenance before a failure occurs.

This is a breakthrough over reactive maintenance, avoiding downtime costs, which adds to reaction time when it occurs, and preventive maintenance, avoiding changing items that still remain usable. It also allows automating alerts and corrective actions, avoiding the  human cost in terms of surveillance and stress.

Based on the above, advanticsys establishes two lines of action  

  • Crane sensorization in collaboration with ASTANDER, making on-site  configurations, advising, and verifying the sending of information.   
  • The collection and provision of data for analysis, configuring the data collection  platform -deployed in the cloud- and  supervising the process using the platform’s tools.   

For this, a system has been developed that, using standards such as MQTT -to send and request data- and JSON -to structure the information returned- allows the information to be stored and transformed. This data is then securely shared through a REST API, another standard that allows data to be collected by defining what we want to retrieve via an Internet address URL). One measure of its simplicity is that we can access the results with a normal browser.  

Therefore, the sensorized crane data that supports ASTANDER’s needs are now being successfully collected, transformed, validated, and delivered ubiquitously and securely to stakeholders.

The objectives of this Industry 4.0 application are twofold:   

  • Improve productivity, avoid downtime, and reduce maintenance costs  associated with machinery.   
  • Increase safety, through intelligent monitoring to predict potentially  damaging failures for workers in real time.   

In this way, we align and improve ASTANDER standards, focusing on quality and safety while actively maintaining and promoting customer satisfaction.  

Advanticsys continues its growth by planning the incorporation of new protocols widely used in Industry 4.0 -such as OPC UA-, the integration with new systems and the improvement of products. The exploitation of information is another objective on our path towards the implementation of Industry 4.0, the circular economy and associated processes. All these components will be available for our Concordia® Industrial IoT Cloud Platform.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme KYKLOS 4.0 under grant agreement No 872570. More details can be found at KYKLOS 4.0 website.


Real-time monitoring of one of Greece’s leading chicken production plants, the Ioannina Agricultural Poultry Cooperative PINDOS cooperative, offers a challenge for the extraction and processing capabilities of our components.

Recycling in Industry 4.0 is one of the fundamental pillars. Through extensive sensorisation of PINDOS plants and advanticsys’ data management, two branches of Industry 4.0 are to be supported: optimisation of utilisation and value recovery. Predictive maintenance avoids economic losses due to downtime, and the extraction of knowledge from data allows processes to be optimised, maximising the use of resources and reducing material waste.

The data generation capacities in modern industry, such as PINDOS, are very large and heterogeneous. This makes it necessary to create a suitable hardware support for each case (temperature, humidity, volumes per unit of time) in the different points of the factory, as well as a system that is capable of encompassing the data generated to monitor and share the results in a homogeneous and efficient way.

advanticsys uses its experience in the development, installation, integration and operation of hardware sensors to plan, collect, process and store the data produced. 

In this way, an MQTT system has been chosen for connectivity, a protocol already commonly used within the Concordia platform. MQTT is a de facto standard for data transmission in the Internet of Things, with low latency and high efficiency. It consists of the centralisation of messages from devices/sensors in an MQTT broker, or intermediate server, which has a series of topics to subscribe to, in order to retrieve the data. In this way, clients or data exploitation systems can connect to the broker, and request information on those topics in which they are interested. It is widely spread and can be exploited by means of the usual languages  such as Python, Java, etc. Security is also contemplated/covered, allowing encryption of communications and authentication of users connecting to the broker.

PINDOS currently has 103 monitored measurements, divided into 9 different data sources (systems), ranging from measurement of consumed and wastewater to conveyor belts and information from other equipment, such as automation panels. These data will be used by other IT components for analysis in the form of carbon footprint and predictive maintenance analysis. An API has been made available to access the data, providing filtering, paging and sensor selection capabilities, as well as a web interface to interact with the data in a more user-friendly way.

Advanticsys continues its growth by planning the incorporation of new protocols widely used in Industry 4.0 -such as OPC UA-, the integration with new systems and the improvement of products. The exploitation of information is another objective on our path towards the implementation of Industry 4.0, the circular economy and associated processes. All these components will be available for our Concordia® Industrial IoT Cloud Platform.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme KYKLOS 4.0 under grant agreement No 872570. More details can be found at KYKLOS 4.0 website.


As part of our engineering services, advanticsys has successfully delivered the fourth chemical detection system for Spanish Navantia’s fleet of corvette warships headed for Saudi Arabia.

Chemical, biological and nuclear (CBN) detection in warships is becoming relevant for fleet protection. Jointly with our partners from Ibatech, we have developed a novel chemical detection system integrating multiple sensor input points to detect the presence of harmful chemicals including warfare agents and toxic industrial compounds.  The system is linked to a central control unit which monitors, remotely and in real time the alarm status of each sensor. The system is integrated to the ship’s IPMS control platform and comes with modules for maintenance and training.

Both software and hardware and communication infrastructure has been designed and developed as part of our duties.

More information can be found in our projects dedicated area


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